In dit Privacy Statement verwijzen we naar Pole Arena met maatschappelijke zetel te Eendrachtstraat 55, 9000 Gent (België) en met ondernemingsnummer: 0708.977.948, (hierna ‘Pole Arena’).
Pole arena is een dansschool die sport- en danslessen aanbiedt hierin begrepen paaldanslessen, bootcamplessen, stretchlessen, choreolessen en hiermee verbonden evenementen en workshops organiseert (hierna ‘Dienst’).
Pole Arena hecht veel belang aan de bescherming van uw privacy en persoonsgegevens.
Pole Arena is verantwoordelijke voor de verwerking van de persoonlijke gegevens via de website ( (hierna ‘Website’), inclusief de gegevens die PoleArena ontvangt via mail ( en via de app ( (hierna ‘de App’). Pole Arena verbindt zich ertoe om de algemene verordening persoonsgegevens (Verordening 2016/679) te respecteren.
1. Welke gegevens worden verwerkt​
Pole Arena kan via de Website en de App de volgende Persoonsgegevens verwerken:
Informatie over uw computer of mobiel apparaat en uw bezoeken en gebruik van de Website en de App, inclusief uw IP-adres, besturingssysteem, browser type, tijdstip en geografische locatie;
Contactgegevens verstrekt bij het invullen van het formulier: naam, voornaam, adresgegevens, e-mail, GSM/telefoon nummer, geslacht en geboortedatum (hierna ‘Contactgegevens’);
Gegevens met betrekking tot het gebruik van de Dienst: boekingen, afwezigheden en annuleringen;
De foto’s en/of filmpjes die gemaakt worden tijdens het verstrekken van de Dienst;
Eventuele andere informatie die u zelf beslist over te maken, bijvoorbeeld medische informatie.
Financiële informatie: uitgevoerde betalingen.
2. Doel van deze verwerking
Pole Arena kan de persoonlijke gegevens die u verstrekt voor verscheidene doeleinden gebruiken:
Pole Arena gebruikt uw Persoonsgegevens voor het uitvoeren en aanbieden van de Dienst
Pole Arena gebruikt uw Persoonsgegevens voor doeleinden van klantenbeheer, bijvoorbeeld om uw vragen te beantwoorden.
Uw Contactgegevens kunnen gebruikt worden voor doeleinden van direct marketing, bijvoorbeeld om u via e-mail, telefonisch of per post te informeren over producten en campagnes van Pole Arena.
Pole Arena gebruikt uw Persoonsgegevens wanneer zij daar wettelijk toe verplicht is.
Indien de verwerking gebaseerd is op uw toestemming kan u deze ten alle tijden intrekken, zonder dat dit afbreuk doet aan de rechtmatigheid van de verwerking op basis van de toestemming vóór de intrekking daarvan.
3. Doorgifte van uw persoonsgegevens
Pole Arena stelt uw Persoonsgegevens beschikbaar aan haar personeel op een ‘need to know’ basis.
Pole Arena kan gebruik maken van verwerkers om uw Persoonsgegevens te verwerken.
Pole Arena maakt gebruik van de App voor het beheer van uw gegevens, het privacy statement van de uitgever van de App, Bsport, kan gevonden worden op Pole Arena geeft de Persoonsgegevens door aan volgende (categorieën) ontvangers:
BSPORT met maatschappelijke zetel te 6 rue Eugène Fournière 75018 Parijs – Frankrijk, FR VAT FR02838682011 en contactadres
Organisaties waartoe Pole Arena een wettelijke verplichting heeft om persoonsgegevens te delen.
Pole Arena kan zijn bedrijfsstructuur wijzigen door de juridische vorm te wijzigen, fusie, overnames en verkoop. In dergelijke transacties worden Persoonsgegevens doorgegeven conform deze Privacyverklaring en de toepasselijke wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming.
4. Bewaring van uw persoonsgegevens
Pole Arena houdt zich eraan uw Persoonsgegevens niet langer te bewaren dan nodig voor het uitvoeren van de Dienst.
U kan Pole Arena te allen tijde vragen de persoonsgegevens te verwijderen.
5. Uw rechten
U heeft het recht ons te verzoeken tot inzage van en rectificatie of uitwissing van Persoonsgegevens of om beperking van de u betreffende verwerking, alsmede het recht tegen verwerking van bezwaar te maken en het recht op gegevensoverdraagbaarheid, door zich te richten tot Pole Arena, Eendrachtstraat 55, 9000 Gent (België) of met een schriftelijk verzoek, met bijgevoegd een kopie van de voorkant van uw identiteitskaart.
Pole Arena zal u binnen 1 (één) maand na uw verzoek meedelen welk gevolg hieraan gegeven werd.
Indien u voor een bepaalde verwerking uw toestemming heeft gegeven, heeft u te allen tijde het recht om deze in te trekken. Deze intrekking doet geen afbreuk aan de rechtmatigheid van de verwerking op basis van uw toestemming voor de intrekking.
Tot slot heeft u steeds het recht om klacht in te dienen bij de toezichthoudende autoriteit (Gegevensbeschermingautoriteit, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, België of contact(at)
Cookie policy
This cookie policy (“Cookie Policy”) describes how Pole Arena, a company vested at Eendrachtstraat 55, 9000 Ghent (Belgium) and registered under the company number 0708.977.948 (“Pole Arena”, “We”, “Our”, “Us”) use cookies on the website (the “Website”) and the Pole Arena Application (the “App”).
The protection of your privacy and personal data is of utmost importance to Us. This Cookie Policy provides you clear and transparent information on how and for what purposes We (and third parties) collect and use your personal data when We/they place cookies on your mobile phone or computer device. This Cookie Policy applies for the cookies We (or the third parties) collect via the Website and/or App.
The term “personal data” refers to any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. As the data controller, Pole Arena strives to process your personal data in accordance with European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”).
In addition to the terms defined in this Cookie Policy, capitalized terms used in this Cookie Policy have the same meaning as set out in the GDPR.
Since cookies allow the third parties to process Personal Data, this Cookie Policy should be read together with Our Privacy Policy, see top of this page.
If there is any conflict, ambiguity or inconsistency between this Cookie Policy and the policy of a third party in relation to the third party cookies as referred to below, the cookie policy of the third party shall prevail over this Cookie Policy and any other document which govern the relationship between the Parties, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in writing by explicitly referring to the specific article from which the deviation is agreed.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text-based files, often including unique identifiers, sent to your browser and placed on your hard disk in order to personalize your user experience. In this text file, different types of (personal) data are stored, such as your language preferences when using the Website and/or App. Cookies help improve your experience while browsing on our Website and/or App. You may set your browser not to accept cookies, but if you do so, certain areas of the Website and/or App may not function as intended.
We use different types of cookies, depending on their purpose, origin and/or duration, as specified below.
We mainly use strictly necessary cookies, which are essential for you to use the Website, App and/or their features, or for us to be able to provide you with our services. These essential cookies are stored on your device without your consent as these are based on Our legitimate interests.
Secondly, We may use preference cookies which allow Us to remember the choices you have made in the past (e.g. your user name and password so you can automatically log-in on the App). We will only store such type of cookie on your device if You give your consent.
Thirdly, We may use statistical or analytical cookies on the Website and/or App for statistical or commercial purposes. We use these cookies in order to measure how you and others use the Website and/or App. This information shows Us inter alia how many times a particular page on the Website and/or App has been visited, how much time a user spends thereon, etc. These cookies allow Us to make statistical analyses and to improve the structure, navigation and content of Our Website and/or App. We will only store such type of cookie on your device if you give your consent hereto.
Lastly, We may use marketing cookies in order to track your online activity to help advertisers to deliver more personalised advertising and to choose the time when you see the advertisement. These cookies may share this information with third parties (e.g. advertising companies). These are persistent cookies (see below) and in most cases, third party cookies. We will only store such type of cookie on your device if you give your consent hereto.
You can give your consent by clicking on the “I Consent” button in the cookie banner
We make use of cookies that We manage in Our own name (first party cookies), as well as cookies managed or placed on the Website and/or App by third parties (third party cookies). We also use third-party cookies to track how you use the Website and App, which pages you visit and how long you stay on them. These cookies allow Us to learn how users navigate and interact with the Website and App so that we may better tailor our content to you.
Cookies have an expiry date depending on whether they are session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies contain information that is used within your current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser or the application. Persistent cookies are used to store information between your different visits to the Website and/or App. The next time you visit the Website or App, the cookie will recognize you as a returning visitor and the cookie will be resent to the Website and/or App so that the third parties are able to offer services in line with your preferences, for example language preferences.
For the App, there will be a session cookie set upon login. This will allow the user to stay logged in for as long as they wish.
What Cookies do we use for which purposes?
How to disable cookies?
Should you wish to delete cookies and other site data from the Website and/or App, you may do so at any time. In addition, you are at all times free to disable functional cookies for the Website and/or App in your browser settings. However, by doing so you acknowledge that specific parts of the Website and/or App may not function and certain of their functionalities may not be used.
All common browsers allow you to choose which non-essential cookies you do not want to store on your device. Please go to the options or settings of your browser to indicate your preferences. If you cannot find these settings, you can consult the help function of your browser. The browser should give you an overview of the cookies that are currently stored on your device and allow you to delete the non-essential cookies and to choose not to accept them in the future. Technically essential cookies cannot be disabled as they are required for you to have access to the Website and/or App.
Please find below the details on how to delete cookies from your browser:
Google Chrome: -
Mozilla Firefox: -
Safari: -
Microsoft Edge: -
Internet Explorer:
Manage cookies
We refer to the policies of the third parties in the links above for more information and the specific requirements to delete the cookies.
Who are the recipients of Personal Data?
We only make use of cookies managed or placed on the Website and/or App by the below third parties. We refer to the policies available in the below link for the specific rules which are in place for the third party cookies:
BSport boekingssysteem Cookie policy (
We may also share the data collected to the advertising companies who own the marketing cookies.
For the other recipient of your personal data, we refer to our Privacy Policy (which is available via the following link: Privacy | Polearena).
Which rights do you have in relation to your cookies?
With regard to your rights in relation to your personal data collected through the cookies other than deletion (see above), We refer to Our Privacy Policy (which is available via the following link: Privacy | Polearena).
How to contact us?
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your data, you can send an e-mail to or directly contact:
Eendrachtstraat 55
9000 Gent
Please note that Pole Arena reserves the right to occasionally update this document. In this case, we will announce each new version of this document. The last update of this Cookie Policy dates from April 2023.